DustPac Systems

Benmarc has developed an effective modular system for customers with limited resources. The DustPac system components can be purchase individually and installed by the customer. Benmarc can provide additional services depending on the customers needs.

 The Benmarc DustPac systems come in three sizes

  • 0-500 tons of material an hour
  • 500-1500 tons of material an hour
  • 1500-2000 tons of material an hour

Systems can be used for:

  • Tip and conveyor dust suppression
  • Truck and buggy wash systems
  • Belt washing systems
  • Adding chemical at haul road water station

Dustbloc Dust Suppression System

Down and Dirty System capable of treating 10 to 200 Tons of material per hour. Systems can operate using local power or self-contained solar power or with no power because chemical usage is done by water flow. System utilizes Benmarc environmentally safe dust suppressant Blocks. Systems are mobile and can be mounted at the treatment point or anywhere along the water supply.

DustPac Systems

In addition to the main system Benmarc also provides Material on belt sensors, Optional Standalone solar power supply, Spray manifolds, Hose pipes and cabling

Dust suppression, truck wash and belt wash chemicals are supplied in several convenient sizes: 20 liter jug, 200 liter drum & 1000 liter bin

Dust Bloc solid dust suppressant blocks, Sold in six (6) 1kg block cases